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Digital identity is an e-service enabler if handled well

The lifecycle of identity is at the crossroad of legal, economic and technical security.
Digital ID is not you but a representation of your identity to enable authentication and identification. The Digital ID gradually replaces analog identity since the advent of online services or e-services.

One of the critical problems in cyberspace and in public space is knowing with whom one is interacting, and which attributes (rights, access, etc…) are associated with this person.Digital ID aims at being difficult to fake or steal, hence Multi-Factor Authentication of which biometrics.
Therefore an end-to-end approach throughout the lifecycle of digital identities is crucial for the success of e-services.

Digital identity is an e-service enabler if handled well

The lifecycle of identity is at the crossroad of legal, economic and technical security.
Digital ID is not you but a representation of your identity to enable authentication and identification. The Digital ID gradually replaces analog identity since the advent of online services or e-services.

One of the critical problems in cyberspace and in public space is knowing with whom one is interacting, and which attributes (rights, access, etc…) are associated with this person.Digital ID aims at being difficult to fake or steal, hence Multi-Factor Authentication of which biometrics.
Therefore an end-to-end approach throughout the lifecycle of digital identities is crucial for the success of e-services.

We all have many digital identities linked to many data attributes.

Many digital identities:

National ID, (National ID cards, Passport)

Regulated digital identities, (social security, work permits, drivers license)

Controled identities, (bank accounts, insurance, social mandates, access badge)

Unregulated commercial identities, « create your account » on web services

With lots of attributes:

Birth and family data

Biographic data

Access rights

Data like bank account, employment, assets

Address, email, phone

Habits, behaviours, spending schemes

Verifying the true identity of attribute holder is made through Multi-factor authentication:

Create a Unique Identifier (UID)

Guaranteed to be unique among all identifiers used

Used to verify identity but works like a diode

Used as the basis for derivative identity

Adopt multi-factor authentication for traceable evidence

What you know (Password)

What you can get (OTP)

What you have (Token)

What you are (Biometrics)

Access to e-services : need for a derivative secured identity for each application:

Derivative identity and MFA authentication allows secured access to e-services such as :

Engage responsibility in signing documents

Engage citizenship in e-voting

Engage corporate decisions in board meetings

Engage compliance to rules and obligations like taxes

Data protection and security: essential to bring trust

Implement measures against Identity fraud

Protect personal data and attributes against attacks

Protect your privacy by segmenting and isolating data sets

Ensure integrity of yourself

We all have many digital identities linked to many data attributes.

Many digital identities:

National ID, (National ID cards, Passport)

Regulated digital identities, (social security, work permits, drivers license)

Controled identities, (bank accounts, insurance, social mandates, access badge)

Unregulated commercial identities, « create your account » on web services

With lots of attributes:

Birth and family data

Biographic data

Access rights

Data like bank account, employment, assets

Address, email, phone

Habits, behaviours, spending schemes

Verifying the true identity of attribute holder is made through Multi-factor authentication:

Create a Unique Identifier (UID)

Guaranteed to be unique among all identifiers used

Used to verify identity but works like a diode

Used as the basis for derivative identity

Adopt multi-factor authentication for traceable evidence

What you know (Password)

What you can get (OTP)

What you have (Token)

What you are (Biometrics)

Access to e-services : need for a derivative secured identity for each application:

Derivative identity and MFA authentication allows secured access to e-services such as :

Engage responsibility in signing documents

Engage citizenship in e-voting

Engage corporate decisions in board meetings

Engage compliance to rules and obligations like taxes

Data protection and security: essential to bring trust

Implement measures against Identity fraud

Protect personal data and attributes against attacks

Protect your privacy by segmenting and isolating data sets

Ensure integrity of yourself


With the advent of IP cameras, deep learning and machine learning as well as stability and security of networks, the way to process images has adopted artificial intelligence and neuronal networks.


Data based service models
require to understand the data value chain

All innovators and seekers of new data-driven services are searching for ideas that have 4 characteristics.



With the advent of IP cameras, deep learning and machine learning as well as stability and security of networks, the way to process images has adopted artificial intelligence and neuronal networks.


Data based service models
require to understand the data value chain

All innovators and seekers of new data-driven services are searching for ideas that have 4 characteristics.
